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Advanced Keyboard Techniques II

Music College of Undergraduate Studies

Course Description

Advanced Keyboard Techniques II is for Music majors whose primary instrument is piano. Technique will cover major and harmonic minor scales at the third, sixth, and tenth, primary chord progression in second inversion form, secondary chord progressions, four octave triad arpeggios in all positions, and broken 4-note chords. Students will harmonize from chord charts and lead sheets, realize figured bass, developing sight-reading, transposition, improvisation, and accompanying skills. The completion of the Advanced Keyboard Techniques sequence along with the passing of the Advanced Keyboard Techniques Final Exam will fulfill the piano proficiency (MUA 230) requirement for Music majors whose primary instrument is piano.


College of Undergraduate Studies



Count Retakes for Credit


Yearly Cycle

Odd Years

Session Cycle


Only Pass/No Pass Flag
