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Accounting, BS (CUS)

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Business Bachelor of Science


College of Undergraduate Studies


School of Business and Leadership

The Bachelor of Science in Accounting provides students the breadth and depth of accounting knowledge necessary to prepare them for the increased demand for accounting majors in all industries.  Demand for accounting graduates is stable even during economic downturns. With the emergence of corporate financial scandals, the demand for accounting majors with high ethical standards has increased.

The program in accounting focuses on the following:

  • Financial and Managerial Accounting and Reporting: Demonstrate effective application of GAAP for business enterprises, not-for-profit organizations, and governmental entities.

  • Auditing & Attestation: Demonstrate effective application of U.S. GAAS for attest engagements and knowledge of auditing procedures.

  • Regulation: Demonstrate application of knowledge pertaining to federal taxation, AICPA & PCAOB Codes of Ethics, Principles and Standards, professional and legal responsibilities, Sarbanes-Oxely, and business law.

  • Integration of Faith and Learning: Research and apply scripture to resolve ethical dilemmas resulting from accounting issues. 

By carefully selecting 500-level elective credits, accounting students can also earn up to 18 credit hours toward their CCU MBA degree while finishing their undergraduate accounting degree at no additional cost or time to graduation.

Students in the Bachelor of Science in Accounting major may apply for the CUS Dual Degree Programs, earning both their Accounting major and courses that can be applied toward the program with an emphasis in Advanced Accounting, or the program in the College of Adult and Graduate Studies (CAGS). Additional information on the Accounting Dual Degree program can be found under the 'Program Requirements' tab.

Students who major in Accounting have a wide range of choices for successful and rewarding careers in banking; corporate finance & accounting; management; nonprofit organizations; educational institutions; governmental entities as well as in Public Accounting. 

The Accounting Major requires completion of the following 120 credits:
General Education (48 credit hours)
Business Core (34 credit hours)
Accounting Major Core (24 credit hours)
Accounting Electives (6 credit hours)
General Electives (up to 8 credit hours)

Program Type

Bachelor's Degree