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Curriculum and Instruction, MA (CAGS)

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Graduate Education Master of Arts


College of Adult and Graduate Studies


School of Education Professions

The Master of Arts (MA) in Curriculum and Instruction at Colorado Christian University provides a graduate degree for PreK-12 educators and corporate trainers as well as those who wish to be curriculum specialists and writers, education program supervisors, department chairpersons and college instructors. It is also a program for those who want to apply their skills and knowledge as online course developers or online instructors. Courses in the Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction are completed online and include the options of emphases in:

  • Alternative Teacher Licensing Program (Authorized by the Colorado Department of Education)

  • Biblical Studies

  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

The MA in Curriculum and Instruction program is distinctive for the following reasons:

  • Tailored to the working professional, coursework can be completed in 24 months by taking courses online

  • Applies relevant research and innovative instructional design

  • Proven approaches to accelerated adult learning by providing interactive and experiential learning in the classroom and online

  • Addresses individual learner needs in the development and implementation of curriculum

Objectives of the Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction Degree Program

The Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction program provides students with the tools to enhance their professional careers in teaching, training, administration, and curriculum development. The MA in Curriculum and Instruction is designed to further a student’s cognitive abilities, relational skills, commitment to values, and a biblical worldview. As a result of their studies at Colorado Christian University, MA in Curriculum and Instruction graduates experience enhanced abilities to understand and integrate complex data from educational theory and practice, applied skills in research, and augmented critical thinking abilities. MA in Curriculum and Instruction graduates demonstrate interpersonal, relational, communication and leadership skills as applied through the philosophy of servant leadership. The program integrates the best of scholarship with the richness of the Christian heritage.

Admission to the Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction Degree Program

Admission to the Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction program is selective. Applicants are evaluated on the basis of previous academic performance, personal and professional accomplishments and goals, and strength of character. Each applicant is carefully evaluated for his or her ability to contribute to the program. A strong desire to complete graduate-level work in a Christ-centered, biblically-based community is important.

Admission Requirements

  • A completed application form 

  • A SEP-required background check

  • Valid state-issued driver’s license or state-issued ID card or passport

  • An official transcript that reflects a bachelor’s or master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution

  • Interview with a program administrator

  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae

  • A minimum undergraduate grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. Applicants with an undergraduate grade point average between 2.0 and 2.49 will be admitted on a conditional admit (CAD) basis for the first semester.  CAD students must maintain a 3.0 GPA or better in their first nine (9) credits to remain in the program.

Additional requirements for those pursuing the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Emphasis

  • Completed background check (Required for program admission in order to complete field requirements.  This is for non-alternative licensing candidates only.)

Additional requirements for those seeking licensure under the Alternative Licensing Emphasis

  • Click here for CDE’s Alternative licensing program requirements

Transfer of Courses

Students may transfer up to six (6) semester hours of graduate credit from a regionally accredited college or university. The coursework must be comparable to that offered at CCU and fulfill the CCU Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction degree requirements.

Only three (3) of the 15 Alternative Licensing Emphasis credits may be transferred in.

Coursework applied to the MA in Curriculum and Instruction program must have been earned with a grade of B or better.

Academic Requirements

Students who earn a C- or lower in a graduate education course are required to repeat the course. course must be completed with a B- or higher.

Time Limitations

All degree program requirements must be completed within four years beginning from the start date of the first education course within the professional core of the program. After the four-year period, a student who has not completed the program requirements will be withdrawn from the program unless an exception to policy request to extend this time limitation is submitted by the student and approved by the program director.  In this case, the student’s CCU transcript will be reviewed by the program director.  At the director’s discretion, if an extension is approved, a program course may have to be retaken if the content of the course has received substantive changes since it was last taken by the student. 

Students who step out of the program for more than 365 days or go beyond the four-year period without an approved extension and wish to complete the program will be required to apply for re-admission. If approved for readmission, the student’s CCU transcript will be reviewed by the program director.  At the director’s discretion, a program course may have to be retaken by the re-admitted student if the content of the course has received substantive changes since it was last taken by the student. Students will be required to adhere to current academic policies, program requirements, tuition, and fees.

In addition, students wishing to pursue licensure must complete the 15 credits specific to the Alternative Licensing Emphasis within a twelve (12) month period.

Additional Information

For additional information about the MA in Curriculum and Instruction program and graduate courses in education, contact the College of Adult and Graduate Studies, or visit the Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction website at

Program Type

Master's Degree