Psychology, BA (CUS)
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The Psychology major within the College of Undergraduate Studies (CUS) seeks to develop students who can live out their faith within the context of the discipline of psychology. Classroom instruction and experiences focus not only on the content of psychology (theoretical and experimental psychology), but also on the character development of our students challenging them to engage in personal spiritual formation which quite naturally impacts how they understand psychology. This mixture of classes allows our students to understand, test, and apply current psychological theories within their personal lives and real situations. The emphasis in the psychology major is to equip our students to think critically about current psychological theories, principles, and research through the lens of foundational Christian beliefs.
The Psychology major prepares students for careers in psychology and related fields. At the bachelor's level, several job options exist for graduates in psychology, such as paraprofessionals in clinics, hospitals and schools, case workers in social service, and staff in church and parachurch ministries. Those intending to practice psychology professionally, however, will need graduate-level training toward the master's degree or the doctorate. The undergraduate program develops a broad-based education that creates a deeper understanding of human functioning and equips students to succeed in graduate school. Elective courses allow students to "round out" their studies to prepare not only for graduate training but to enter life with key relational, spiritual, and emotional competencies.
Graduates of the Psychology major will be able to:
1. Analyze and evaluate Biblical evidence for the five themes of a Biblical and psychological view of human nature.
2. Define and evaluate the model of authentic sexual relationships and the model for Christian marriage.
3. Describe and differentiate various personality theories, psychological disorders, and clinical counseling methods.
4. Create and evaluate research that includes cognitive and physiological processes.
5. Describe and explain the various sub-disciplines within psychology.
In collaboration with the College of Adult and Graduate Studies (CAGS), students majoring in Psychology can opt for one of three emphases:
BA Psychology with an Emphasis in Biblical Studies
BA Psychology with an Emphasis in Clinical Counseling
BA Psychology with an Emphasis in Criminal Justice
Students who choose one of the emphases above earn their Psychology major in their first three years in CCU's Dual Degree programs, and have 10-12 graduate-level credit hours that can be applied toward a master's degree in CAGS. Additional information on the Psychology Dual Degree program is below.
The Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (CUS) requires completion of the following 120 credits:
General Education Core (48 credit hours)
Psychology Major Required Core (33 credit hours)
Psychology Major Electives Core (6 credit hours)
General Electives (33 credit hours)